Project Planning and Budget
You’ve made the first decision: You want to remodel your kitchen. But now what? With so many decisions to be made and so many moving parts to keep track of, the process can quickly move from exciting to overwhelming. We’ve got just the thing. It’s our Kitchen Project Tracker, and it was created with convenience in mind. Think of it as your Right Hand Man, always keeping you organized and on track throughout your entire project—from design to demo day to cooking up your very first meal in your brand new kitchen.
Get started on your plan by downloading the Kitchen Project Tracker and following the steps below. All of our helpful tools have been designed to make sure you’re prepared and ready to get rolling on making your dream kitchen a reality. We can’t wait to see it come together.
Let’s Start Planning!

The KraftMaid Kitchen Project Tracker
This easy-to-follow checklist will clearly explain everything you need to consider for your remodel.
Click here to learn more.

What’s In & What’s Out
Eventually you will be asked just how big your project is. This step will lay out key kitchen elements to help you decipher between what you want to keep and what you don’t.

DIY or
While it may be exciting to think about getting those power tools out, you should carefully weigh your options before choosing between DIY or hiring a professional.

Your Budget
Use our tools to help you create a budget that not only makes sense, but also identifies what is most important to you.

Meet with
a Designer
When the time is right, we suggest meeting with a Home Depot designer to get started on the actual layout of your new kitchen. Learn about what to expect and how to have a successful first meeting.